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Showing 1-20 of 303 companies

Osaühing Mikaado

  • 10234035
  • Private limited company
  • 1997-08-04
  • € 5200
  • Entered into the register

Polar Sun Products Osaühing

  • 10584218
  • Private limited company
  • 1999-10-06
  • € 10000
  • Entered into the register

Osaühing Rakvere Põllumajandustehnika

  • 10045989
  • Private limited company
  • 1996-07-03
  • € 135177
  • Entered into the register

osaühing VIPIS

  • 10395717
  • Private limited company
  • 1998-03-02
  • € 10224
  • Entered into the register

osaühing Sildo Luke

  • 10287149
  • Private limited company
  • 1997-09-22
  • € 40000
  • Entered into the register

osaühing Ratenso

  • 10364890
  • Private limited company
  • 1998-01-22
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

A - Orbu OÜ

  • 12119077
  • Private limited company
  • 2011-06-10
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

osaühing Massuno

  • 10448693
  • Private limited company
  • 1998-05-08
  • € 40000
  • Entered into the register

Minna Sahver OÜ

  • 12013640
  • Private limited company
  • 2010-11-01
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

aktsiaselts Est-Agar

  • 10215434
  • Public limited company
  • 1997-06-27
  • € 191800
  • Entered into the register


  • 10046078
  • General partnership
  • 1996-06-26
  • Entered into the register

täisühing TULEKALA

  • 10729245
  • General partnership
  • 2001-02-21
  • Entered into the register

OÜ EMKlubi

  • 10982056
  • Private limited company
  • 2003-11-04
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

Olde Hansa Production OÜ

  • 11644166
  • Private limited company
  • 2009-05-06
  • € 3010
  • Entered into the register

Nordic Secrets OÜ

  • 12574203
  • Private limited company
  • 2013-11-22
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

OÜ Noesis Foods

  • 11712198
  • Private limited company
  • 2009-09-04
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

L-Kõrtsi talu OÜ

  • 12792348
  • Private limited company
  • 2015-02-02
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

ULISSE Osaühing

  • 11639389
  • Private limited company
  • 2009-04-21
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

Flowene OÜ

  • 12813501
  • Private limited company
  • 2015-03-10
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

HoneyPower OÜ

  • 12502787
  • Private limited company
  • 2013-07-10
  • € 3750
  • Entered into the register