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Showing 21-27 of 48 companies

Sergey Kocheshov

  • 14993192
  • Sole trader
  • 2020-06-18
  • Entered into the register

PAEdesign OÜ

  • 16272717
  • Private limited company
  • 2021-07-16
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register


  • 10044317
  • Public limited company
  • 1996-06-04
  • € 387234
  • Entered into the register

DecNord Group OÜ

  • 16583995
  • Private limited company
  • 2022-09-30
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

AT Puittooted OÜ

  • 12083586
  • Private limited company
  • 2011-03-30
  • € 5352
  • Entered into the register


  • 10735642
  • Private limited company
  • 2001-01-25
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

Puitbetoon OÜ

  • 16992647
  • Private limited company
  • 2024-05-22
  • € 10000
  • Entered into the register