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Showing 1-19 of 50 companies

Larisa Kagan

  • 11908228
  • Sole trader
  • 2010-03-12
  • Entered into the register

Peetrikese OÜ

  • 12080174
  • Private limited company
  • 2011-03-25
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Musilased OÜ

  • 12832042
  • Private limited company
  • 2015-04-10
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Saku Sofi Lastekeskus

  • 80375694
  • Non-profit association
  • 2014-10-07
  • Entered into the register

Lastesõim Planeedi Mudila

  • 75018153
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-11-28
  • Entered into the register

Lastesõim Päkapikk

  • 75017938
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-11-08
  • Entered into the register

Tallinna Lastesõim Hellik

  • 75016728
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-11-27
  • Entered into the register

Tallinna Lastesõim Mõmmik

  • 75017490
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-11-27
  • Entered into the register

Eralasteaed Kõige Suurem Sõber

  • 80002674
  • Non-profit association
  • 1997-04-16
  • Entered into the register

Jänkupesa Lastehoid OÜ

  • 14727266
  • Private limited company
  • 2019-05-21
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Laste Õppekeskus “Vikerkaar”

  • 80575849
  • Non-profit association
  • 2020-01-21
  • Entered into the register

Mittetulundusühing Laste Õppekeskus “Umka”

  • 80387119
  • Non-profit association
  • 2015-06-30
  • Entered into the register

OÜ Lolo Pepe

  • 12507342
  • Private limited company
  • 2013-07-18
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

mittetulundusühistu Butafoori Lasteklubi

  • 80096238
  • Non-profit association
  • 1999-05-11
  • Entered into the register

Pilvepesa OÜ

  • 16546741
  • Private limited company
  • 2022-08-03
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register


  • 10245984
  • Private limited company
  • 1997-08-07
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

Mittetulundusühing Saku Mini-Miide Lastekeskus

  • 80589478
  • Non-profit association
  • 2020-12-04
  • Entered into the register

Mooni Lastehoid OÜ

  • 14586736
  • Private limited company
  • 2018-10-15
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Lastehoid Väike Bibi OÜ

  • 17007064
  • Private limited company
  • 2024-06-11
  • € 20
  • Entered into the register