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Showing 1261-1280 of 5879 companies

Kristiina Luik

  • 12735215
  • Sole trader
  • 2014-10-14
  • Entered into the register

Lõõtspilli Juss OÜ

  • 12737556
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-10-17
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Studio Craft Usaldusühing

  • 11984991
  • Limited partnership
  • 2010-08-31
  • In liquidation

OÜ Musakoda

  • 12742037
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-10-27
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

OÜ JR Concerto

  • 12744817
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-10-30
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

CelloMusic UÜ

  • 12745120
  • Limited partnership
  • 2014-10-31
  • Entered into the register

Pole Addicted OÜ

  • 12745707
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-11-03
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Tartu Ülikooli Rahvakunstiansambel

  • 80257925
  • Non-profit association
  • 2007-12-07
  • Entered into the register

Jazzofreenia OÜ

  • 11092882
  • Private limited company
  • 2004-12-17
  • € 1462000
  • Entered into the register

Kanone OÜ

  • 12749737
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-11-10
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Mari Vendla

  • 12751361
  • Sole trader
  • 2014-11-11
  • Entered into the register

Mittetulundusühing Anija valla segakoor Hannijöggi

  • 80377635
  • Non-profit association
  • 2014-11-18
  • Entered into the register

Audiotalu OÜ

  • 12376934
  • Private limited company
  • 2012-11-12
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

OÜ Nepp Muusik

  • 12752780
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-11-13
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Imre Õunapuu

  • 12754796
  • Sole trader
  • 2014-11-18
  • Entered into the register

Mittetulundusühing Eesti Identiteedi ja Kultuuri Koda

  • 80354462
  • Non-profit association
  • 2013-03-14
  • Entered into the register

Reverie Aerial Arts OÜ

  • 12760839
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-11-27
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Arete Kerge

  • 12767853
  • Sole trader
  • 2014-12-11
  • Entered into the register

OÜ Lennutee

  • 12769378
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-12-15
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Sihtasutus Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor

  • 90012933
  • Foundation
  • 2014-12-30
  • Entered into the register