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Showing 21-40 of 250 companies

Arhivaar Rain Rikas

  • 10608010
  • Sole trader
  • 1999-12-08
  • Entered into the register

Osaühing Tiit Tera Arhiivikorrastustööd

  • 10740139
  • Private limited company
  • 2001-02-02
  • € 40000
  • Entered into the register

PKGaas Osaühing

  • 12290032
  • Private limited company
  • 2012-05-21
  • € 2500
  • In liquidation

Kvanteeria OÜ

  • 12635330
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-03-26
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Mittetulundusühing Arhiiviinfo

  • 80349372
  • Non-profit association
  • 2012-11-09
  • Entered into the register


  • 10679300
  • Private limited company
  • 2000-06-29
  • € 3000
  • Entered into the register

Rademida OÜ

  • 12694775
  • Private limited company
  • 2014-07-24
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

Osaühing Olympia

  • 10017160
  • Private limited company
  • 1996-03-25
  • € 2556
  • Entered into the register

Dokumentide Hoidja UÜ

  • 12823445
  • Limited partnership
  • 2015-03-27
  • Entered into the register

Lennart Meri Euroopa Sihtasutus

  • 90006644
  • Foundation
  • 2002-04-04
  • Entered into the register

AB "Iron Mountain Lithuania" Eesti filiaal

  • 12880288
  • Branch of a foreign company
  • 2015-07-16
  • € 43443
  • Entered into the register

DigiMed Arendused OÜ

  • 12904422
  • Private limited company
  • 2015-09-01
  • € 2500
  • Entered into the register

MTÜ Juhan Kuusi Fond

  • 80398577
  • Non-profit association
  • 2016-03-14
  • Entered into the register

Uku Masingu Kolleegium

  • 80077732
  • Non-profit association
  • 1999-03-09
  • Entered into the register

Jõelähtme valla keskraamatukogu

  • 75026023
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2012-01-12
  • Entered into the register

Kuusalu Raamatukogu

  • 75035329
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2008-03-31
  • Entered into the register

Põltsamaa Raamatukogu

  • 75003051
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2016-02-09
  • Entered into the register

Narva-Jõesuu Linnaraamatukogu

  • 75005535
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-07-10
  • Entered into the register

Jõhvi Keskraamatukogu

  • 75002620
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-05-23
  • Entered into the register

Roiu Raamatukogu

  • 75008462
  • Agency of local authority
  • 2000-08-25
  • Entered into the register